Engineering with Precision & Experience since 1997
Civil Engineers - Land Surveyors - Landscape Architects - Environmental Consultants - Soil, Asphalt & Concrete Testing

Feasibility Studies and Land Planning
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Site Design
Subdivision Design and Permitting
Affordable Housing Development Site Design (MGL Ch. 40B)
Condominium Site Design and Permtting
Energy System Design and Permitting (Solar Farms and Wind Turbines)
Soil Evaluations & Percolation Testing
Title V Sewage Disposal System Designs
Water and Sewer Utility Layout
Stormwater Design and Management
Low Impact Development Design
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
Engineering Reports
Construction Observation and Certifications
As-Built Plans
Expert Witness Testimony
​Boundary Surveys
Topographic Surveys
Land Court Surveys
Utility and Existing Conditions Surveys
Subdivision Plans
Condominium Plans
ALTA Plans
Existing Conditions Plans
FEMA Flood Elevation Certifications and Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA)
Property Line Staking
Construction Staking
As-built Surveys and Plans
Expert Witness Testimony
Wetland resource area assessments and field delineation
Wetland restoration and mitigation plans
Conservation Commission filings for approval of wetland boundaries, Notices of Intent, and Requests for Determination of Applicability
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans
Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (NHESP) Filings
DEP 401 Water Quality Certification Permits
Army Corps filings (404 permits)
Dock Design and Chapter 91 Applications
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Filings and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates and Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA)
Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Environmental Notification Forms (ENF) and Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
Cranberry Grower bog-related permitting (WPA Exemptions, Farm Plans, Gravel Removal Permits)
MassDEP Certified Field Testing:
Title 5 Soil Evaluation
Percolation Tests
Groundwater Determination
Double Ring Infiltration rates
Soil Compaction Testing
Pavement Compaction Testing
Laboratory Testing:
Sieve Tests including in lieu of Perc Tests
Hydrometer Tests
Grain Size Analysis
Proctor Tests
Landscape Services include:
Residential, Commercial and Institutional Landscape Design
Streetscape Design
Wetland Replication and Mitigation Planting Plans
Rain garden and Bio-retention areas Designs
Sustainable and Low Impact Development
Planting Design Using Native and Non-invasive Species
Hardscape and Lighting design
Master Planning
Construction Administration and Oversight
Cost Analysis and Budget Estimating
Color Presentation Plans for Permit Approval