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Outback Engineering offers the following Environmental Consulting Services:

  • Wetland resource area assessments and field delineation

  • Wetland restoration and mitigation plans

  • Conservation Commission filings for approval of wetland boundaries, Notices of Intent, and Requests for Determination of  Applicability

  • Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans

  • Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (NHESP) Filings

  • DEP 401 Water Quality Certification Permits

  • Army Corps filings (404 permits)

  • Dock Design and Chapter 91 Applications

  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) Filings and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)

  • FEMA Flood Elevation Certificates and Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA)

  • Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Environmental Notification Forms (ENF) and Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)

  • Cranberry Grower bog-related permitting (WPA Exemptions, Farm Plans, Gravel Removal Permits)

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Wetland Delineation and Permitting

Outback Engineering's wetland scientists delineate wetland resource areas in the field and perform permitting with local Conservation Commissions and the state DEP. Understanding the local and state regulatory processes is key to the successful completion of any project where there is any encroachment on wetlands and buffer zones. Outback Engineering is your professional resource for identifying and delineating coastal and inland wetlands, including bordering vegetated wetlands, perennial and intermittent streams, banks, riverfront areas, isolated wetlands, salt marshes, dunes, and floodplains. We will act on your behalf in all aspects of filings with Conservation Commissions and appeals to DEP if necessary.  


Environmental Consulting

Where larger, more complex projects require coordination with DEP, MEPA, the Army Corps and/or the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, our staff will assist with design and permitting.  We have experience with appeals to DEP, filing ENF's and EIR's with MEPA, Ch. 91 permits for small docks and piers, Water Quality Certifications (401 permits) and Army Corps 404 permits.  Whether the project involves a dock, a sewer extension permit, endangered species, or complex wetland issues with a large site development, we'll come up with appropriate strategies to efficiently obtain the necessary permits.

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